in the writers' group i attend we had a fun homework.
we were given a list of seven, really serious writing mistakes.
we had to write a short story (more of a flash fiction) and we had to commit all the seven mistakes at least once.
as soon as i found out the plot i began writing and began seeing the characters behaviour and interaction.
it was a shorty short piece and i kept it under 250 words.
at first i wrote the 'good version' and then the 'bad'.
limiting word count is an extremely useful tool. it shaves off all the unnecessary words and the useless ones, too.
i can't thank Jason enough for introducing me to this technique.
i use it even when i write articles for the agricultural monthly paper.
and Vesper, this little exercise was uplifting. i liked writing it, liked the polishing and kind of like a naughty child, liked committing the mistakes. hee :)