Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NaNo news 5

yesterday i wrote chapter 1 (which is a poem about 150+ words) and wrote about 800 words into chapter 3. well, chapter 3 did not go as well as i thought it would/should have gone.
chapter 2 is a compilation of fragments of memories, mixed with the events of the present - and it fit chapter 2 well, but i got tired of it by the time i reached chapter 3.
in my plans, chapter 3 was way longer than chapter 2 - but now i face the situation where the events i foreplanned for chapter 3 are no longer of special interest for me.
i'll give it another go today and will move on to a more exciting chapter 5.
i don't know whether it is a wise decision or not.
all i know is i have to write.
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Charles Gramlich said...

Good progress I'd say. Congrats

SzélsőFa said...

you know the spirit of 'other people suffering the same' somehow helps.