i won nothing at the local, art nouveau-themed local literature contest.
there were 93 entries for poems and prose.
as it was legible, i entered two poems (a haiku and another one) and a short story.
i'm telling you, i was disappointed - i mean, i'm not used to failures, but not to wins, either. go figure that it still felt a disappointment.
okay, lament is over.
the good thing is that i had the chance to talk with one of the judges (a 40 something poet) about the reasons for not getting into the final 3.
(both my haiku, and my short story got into the final 15 - whoa, i just reconsider my disappointment, hee-hee.)
so, this man was kind enough to give details about where, just exactly at what paragraph went my writing astray. he pointed out just the way i understood.
he did not give me the method, any method to correct the wrong, but he explained me what went wrong.
wow, it took me a week to go from feeling miserable for not winning to feeling lucky to have been given a short, but thorough analysis of my writing.
geez, i am lucky.