Tuesday, January 29, 2008

swap scenes

Ironically speaking, it seems that for the time being, I will not earn money by writing and becoming famous as an author - I have lots of other work. Actually it is translating EU documents and informative material, so I keep sitting in front of my computer for hours, which does not leave enough brain and eye capacity for me to work on my WIPs.
I keep telling myself that if the story wants to get out of my head, it will find its way no matter how loaded I am.
Today, as I was walking to the store (it took me 4 hours back an forth plus shopping) I had time to think over some aspects of the current story.
I am not completely satisfied with the events occurring in 'Halo'. I do not want my story loaded with actions. It is so not about fights and actions.
Also I will swap two scenes to get a better approach to the character.

I was thinking of some backstory. Something that explains the present behaviour of the main character. A memory from the past that illuminates some of the strange things Hail does.
- - -
Do you swap scenes, too?
Do you like stones, too?
Photos go out to Bernita!


Bernita said...

Thank you!
Yes, I swap scenes.
At present I'm considering whether I should take some introspection/internal narrative and translate them into dialogue.

SzélsőFa said...

Wow, THAT is some other swapping!
I'm glad you like my photography :), Bernita.

Unknown said...

Did you mean that stone question word by word? I have nothing against them.

Lisa said...

I sometimes swap scenes too. I once did an exercise in a writing class where we cut our manuscript up into scenes and physically moved them around. It was interesting and helped to think about the story in different ways.

What Bernita said reminded me of another exercise we did once where we highlighted parts of our story that were "in scene" in one color and parts that were "in summary" in another to get a visual perspective on how much of each we were doing. There was no right way, but it was an interesting way to see how we were balancing the two.

I like stone walls ;)

SzélsőFa said...

Emperor Ropi,

Yes, I meant it.
In fact Bernita had a post today in which she mentioned she feels a special attraction to stones. I told her I liked stones as well and found them interesting.
This is why I posted two of my photos of stones.
We have some stones at home of interesting shape and/or color.


thank you for those information about those interesting exercises! I like stone walls, too, especially those that have no binding in between stones.

Miladysa said...

Yes and Yes.

I particular like your second photograph today - lovely.

We have lots of dry stone walling where I live [no binding].

SzélsőFa said...


that photo was made in a ruined old castle. It is visited by tourists, that's why there are those modern bricks in there- to make it stronger.
(Tourists like myself climb on walls like these...)

WH said...

I love stones. In certain parts of Tennessee and upstate New York, I've seen the most beautiful countryside with natural stones and slate terraced down to the roadway. Awesome sights.

Charles Gramlich said...

I don't swap scenes very often except for writing practice, but I do it on occassion.

SzélsőFa said...


would you care to post some photos whenever you have time and feeling to do so? Thanks.


I also find writing exercises extremely helpful. It's not that I excel at them, but they are useful.
This time I felt it was necessary and also, one of these so called 'scenes' contained only 3-5 sentences.