Tuesday, October 2, 2007

pessimism vs optimism

well yes, I'm on the wrong side of the mirror again.

Having a more pessimistic approach on life now, I was thinking about changing the plot again.
In my last post I mentioned I had decided to change the original plot into something...how should I put it....lighter...? nicer?
I expressed my happiness over having accepted the fact that I was able to change my plot.
It took me some time to figure it out and accept the change. To accept that I have the right to do so - as long as I see it fit.
Now, I'm thinking of changing it again.... :)
My idea is this:
I'd stick to the original concept, and'd insert the optimistic story as a dream...
The protagonist foresees a potential outcome of her life, and at the same time she is it is the most unlikely outcome.
Here I am.

My question to anyone out there.
How does your mood affects the fate of your characters?
Suppose you're in the middle of writing a story. Plus you are depressed.
Can you describe a happy and uplifting event or do you have to wait until depression wears off?
OR would you choose a fight scene/sad/grief scene to deal with on gloomy days instead?

Was it a good question, at all?


Vesper said...

It probably depends how deep this depression is. If it is too deep, I might not be able to write at all. If I'm serene, I can write much better, of course, but in both situations I don't necessarily have to project my mood on that of my characters.
Writing is also a way to escape to other worlds, other lives...

Unknown said...

How does your mood affects the fate of your characters? Suppose you're in the middle of writing a story. Plus you are depressed.

A hangulatod inkább az eseményeket befoláysolják pl: ideges vagy akkor beteszel egy kis vérengzős jelenetet és a karakterek háttérbe kerülnek.

A depresszió szerintem nem gátol abban, hogy írj valami boldogról, sőt még talán segít is.

SzélsőFa said...


Writing is/can be an escape, it's true :)
Thank you for your views.


Ezzel bizonyára sokan vannak így. Ha deprisek, felvidítja őket ha vicces jelenetet írnak. Talán ki kéne próbálnom.
A gond az, hogy még nem írtam vicces jelenetet. Nem mintha nem lenne humorérzékem, de valahogy írásban nem megy.
Tehát látszik a fejlődés kívánatos iránya.

Bernita said...

Well, It's hard to get the proper atmosphere and feeling into a desperate scene if one is feeling excessively cheerful.

SzélsőFa said...

Oh yes, that's what I thought, too Bernita.
But I tend to think it works the otehr way round as well: if the writer is depressed I don't think anything really uplifting can be born on paper...

Charles Gramlich said...

I let my mood affect my writing too much sometimes, which is why it's good to finish a fiction piece in some reasonable period of time, so you don't have too wide a range of moods in the piece.

SzélsőFa said...

I like your point, Charles. Really reasonable.
I can imagine a writer protracting writing one special piece that s/he can even loose connection with some of his/her original feelings and emotions towards the plot.

Your entry here made me pick up my pieces and get another start. Before I loose it all.