Monday, March 10, 2008

the four-piece exercise is over

Chris has set up a special place where all the entries can be read. This blog is up until we all have evaluated each other's entries.
This exercise was something special - we were told that there would be 4 pieces, and each piece was writtten according to special parameters given to us by Chris.
The parameters are on the sidebar of that blog, while the entries are posted as blog entries.
I don't know if outsiders are allowed to comment, but I accept any (supportive) comment as to the grammar, structure, flow, story, way of telling, vocabulary, or anything of my entry.
My entry is about 1000-1200 words long - You might leave your comment here.
If you do not have time to read my entry through, that is all right by me.
Sometimes you just don't have the time.
I find myself quite occupied at times, too.
When your brain is crowded and you need some intellectual refreshment, yet you do not have time to read 3000+ words, really brilliant words...
What dou you do at those times?


Charles Gramlich said...

I'll check it out.

WH said...

I read it, szelsofa, and left a comment. I loved it!

SzélsőFa said...


Thanks for your effort!


Thank you for your kind words.
Were the changes in POV-shifts clear....? Or were they confusing?
You know as I wrote this in 4 consecutive pieces, shifting POV was quite natural.
But now, as the 4 separate pieces are sewn into one, this might not come through as easily.
This is one of my concerns about it.

Bernita said...

When my brain is crowded, I read simple romances or action adventure.

Miladysa said...

I shall pop over and read it later :-D

Good luck x

Anonymous said...

The answer: I don't read then.

SzélsőFa said...

sometimes those make me even more tired....:-P

Thank you!

that sounds fine - do you go playing some sports instead?

WH said...

It worked for me, szelsofa (although I always tend to like experimental pieces that push the envelope, as seen on my blog with flash fiction. I stand on my original comments: good work.

I forgot to answer the question at the end of your post. I sit and gaze at my naval while chanting "om." Or I play the guitar.

SzélsőFa said...

Many thank yous to you Billy, for coming back and answering :)

Playing an instrument sounds fine to me, too.
I usually listen to music or watch a movie.

Charles Gramlich said...

I thought the translation was quite good. I don't know the language of origin, of course, so I can't make any judgement about the accuracy of the translation. I tried to comment there but couldn't find a button to allow comments. Thought I'd just comment here.

SzélsőFa said...


thank you for your kind words.
Actually it was NOT a translation, as I composed it entirely in English.
What I suggested was that b/c I'm not a native English speaker there are ceratin expressions and/or words that come out strange.
It is a strange experience to write in English, but I like it.
My first language is Hungarian.

Steve said...

SzélsőFa, I can't find your email address on your blog or in my email - I thought you'd sent one long ago. [It's probably there and I just missed it] I've written up some comments, but they are much too long to put here.

Please send me an email, and I will send back the comments. My email link is in my profile.