Monday, March 3, 2008

Maps and directions

I thought I would be finishing Halo by the end of January.
Well did I finish it?
No, not even by the end of February.
I work as a freelance translator and I got some unexpected loads of work for February and March.
anytime inspiration hits, though, I keep returning to it and add a few lines.
I'm sorry I can't feed you with some really interesting entries these days...weeks...
Also, I don't think I will explore every part of the drawing. Basically, the story is not about this landscape and the potential events in it. It is about the protagonist.
I have one final scene, a fight scene and the last few paragraphs.
Hell I think I'm halfway through with Halo.
Isn't that great?
Even if I'm not writing it these days...weeks...
There's progress nevertheless.
How's your progress, my dear reader?


Bernita said...

How does "erratic" sound?

SzélsőFa said...

Sounds like you, Bernita.
I am more than 100% sure you sway/digrees only to return to a higher level with a higher knowledge.

Lisa said...

Steady progress is still progress. You will get there. My progress seems to happen in fits and spurts lately, but I'm hoping to get some serious chair time and find "the zone" again.

SzélsőFa said...

Absolutely, Lisa. I tend to work in spurts lately, too.
I would write nothing for weeks than would write quite a large amount in one go.
And there are times when I write like 3 lines each day for two weeks.
I don't really mind.

Miladysa said...

Slow! LOL I was hoping the new blog would inspire me :-D

Good luck with Halo!

SzélsőFa said...


a new start might speed you up, I agree.
But sometimes one starts lamenting choosing between the old and the new...why write here and why not there instead?
and it is slow again...

WH said...

A freelance translator? Cool! I'm a freelance writer and ghostwriter and the only reason I can blog is that I'm always at the computer LOL. Forces me to keep typing either way. Good luck with your WIP -:)

Charles Gramlich said...

My progress has been pretty good the last few days. I've finished one story and done a lot of rough draft work on another project.

SzélsőFa said...


in front of the computer...I know that all too much...sometimes I feel much too much...
Thanks for the kind wishes!


wow, that sounds prolific, well done!

Anonymous said...

As I have said I am strict with deadlines, but I am a slow worker.

Anonymous said...

As I have said I am strict with deadlines, but I am a slow worker.

Anonymous said...

As I have said I am strict with deadlines, but I am a slow worker.

SzélsőFa said...


slow but steady work can result in wonderful products.


slow but steady work can result in wonderful products.


slow but steady work can result in wonderful products.