Sunday, May 11, 2008

a long time

Yes, it's been a long time since I last addded a single word to Halo - and I don't even remember the last time I added anything to Copper Moon, either...
Hail, MC to Halo is a loveable creature. With all his bad dispositions and bad fate, he's one likeable hero. I like him and I'd like to meet him and see and register how his fate continues.
Today I read some lines and I liked him even more. The sorrow I feel for neglecting him is almost painful. I wish I had the time and quietness around me.
I'm still searching for the real end of the story.


Unknown said...

well, good luck with the ending. stories are like dinners. It is good when the main food is tasty but a desert is needed to make it unforgettable.

Bernita said...

Still searching for the best end for mine too.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm off work now but we have company and so it still isn't quiet. I'm looking for some real down time to write.

SzélsőFa said...


you are right about the importance of the ending.


I'm wishing you good luck! And I'm sure it turns out just sooo fine.


Quietness is much needed everywhere I suppose these days. I'm sending you my good wishes, too.

Miladysa said...

Good luck with it SzélsőFa. Like all babies it will come when it is ready :-D

Lisa said...

I'm searching too! It does take lots of quiet thinking time, doesn't it. Good luck to you. I am sure we'll both find our respective ways.

SzélsőFa said...

Thank you Miladysa and Lisa for your supportive comments.

Steve Malley said...

Try sitting down with your draft so far and just reading it. It may give you some idea where you want to go...