Thursday, February 12, 2009

funny or sad?

I returned to see how can I possibly finish writing Halo. I opened the word document, isn't that great? This is something I have not done in weeks.
I found 22,000+ characters and a couple of instructions to move further on.
I also found this particular sentence labelled (by me) as **a bad example of mismatched subjects and actions**
Here we go:
Hail’s left foot moved forward and raised his sword above his own head.


Charles Gramlich said...

Lol. That would be a good line for a humorous fantasy though!

strugglingwriter said...

He's just very flexible. :)

SzélsőFa said...


I wish I could write anyfantasy these days :)))
But you are right. Embarrassing moments are best occassions to sudden laughters. Why worry? I noticed and erased this particular sentence. I hope any other garbage composition will be erased and laughed at, too :)))
