Monday, February 9, 2015

Reality vs. writing

I was wondering the other day and I gathered that I was not a writer.
Writers write about anything.
I do write, per se, but my writing is sporadic; and is based on direct experience.
In writing non fiction my motive is to show or find a solution, to say goodbye to a former problem, to create an alternative history, be it better, or worse, than reality...
But it is always based on personal experience.
I am yet to come to terms with this finding.
And I end this post here for I am tired of writing so many I's and my's.
In the meantime, my gastro short story is in the editing phase.
There are two parts to it. The first part is quite fine I guess. The second one is a bit tougher.
This photo (made by me in Prague, the Czech Republic on July 2014) shows the place where the final paragraph of the first part happens.

Oh, I love that first part.
It is about something that should (might) have happened, while actually it never did. It is a story of a man (a married man) and his platonic lover, who is not his wife.
The second part of the story takes place in a lovely home, in the kitchen to be more specific, between said husband and his wife.
Why is the first part the better one?
Okay, you don't have to answer that :)  :)
But you know what...
Answer I dare you :)
Hee, hee.


Charles Gramlich said...

Maybe the first part involves more discovery of feelings while the second part is more a discussion of feelings already discovered.

strugglingwriter said...

I don't know if I'll ever consider myself a writer. I think I'm good at writing fiction, but struggle so greatly at getting myself to actual write.

SzélsőFa said...


you know what.
I wanted to tell you that no, no, the first part is somewhat about slightly positive danger, a new, exciting territory, and the second is more of a quiet and peaceful conversation that leads to happiness, but at the end of the day, you just nailed it right.
Thank you!

hey, it's good to see you here.
I am so sorry I can not comment on your blog.
You are good at writing fiction (judged on what I have read from you).

Thank you guys for the contribution!

Vesper said...

Beautiful bridge... Great place for an ending... or a beginning... :-)

You can say that you're not a professional fiction writer - those write, I guess, no matter what because they have to keep their commitments and deadlines... We (still) have the luxury to write only when inspiration strikes... :-)

SzélsőFa said...

Yay, Vesper!