Monday, July 23, 2007

the state of non-writing

Perhaps I have come to terms with non-writing. With being an un-writer.
That tiny voice inside disagrees, though.
It's clearly disagreement. Resentment.

Well, I do what I can. Live, play with my kids, do ridiculous trips to get bruises and suffer from overexposure to the intolerable heat. But this blog is about writing.
get this?
No, I'm not quitting.
The deadline is December.
In fact I wish to finish the short story by November so that I can hand it over to some native English speaker to correct my mistakes.
August, September, October and half of November.
Perhaps I have enough time.
I read a lot, do a lot - and try not to think about not writing.


Tiffany said...

Cant wait to read your short story. Thanks for visiting my blog. Michele sent me :)

SzélsőFa said...

Thank you Tiffany.
I am waiting to be able to publish it, too. As you can see I don't really write the story at these days - but I now have accepted the situation. I'm trying to write it later on, though.