Monday, February 18, 2008

opening and closing doors

In the course of completing Halo, I wrote yet another small piece today. It is about a childhood experience. I do not mention it in an explicit way - I think that would feel clumsy. I trust the reader's intelligence and insight.
I hope it works.
I don't think I could be writing down lines like: Hail was remembering his childhood. This and that happened.
I'm just opening a door and let the reader peep.
And understand.
This childhood memory was basically to explain some things of the present. I knew I'd need to write it. I'm still lingering within the scene, I'm not sure if I'm through with it or not.
I will see.
I have opened a door and I'm in the scene.
I will wait until the door closes by itself.
Have a good writing day to day to you all!


Charles Gramlich said...

I keep a journal of my memories and frequently mine them for material.

Miladysa said...

"I have opened a door and I'm in the scene.I will wait until the door closes by itself"

I love your way with words :]

SzélsőFa said...


I used to keep a journal myself, too. Some memories are preserved better if they are put donw on paper.
Now I don't have a journal but this (and the other) blog.



Unknown said...

I am always Spartan at expressing myself so I always make things simple.

SzélsőFa said...

That's one good trait, Ropi.

Bernita said...

I always like those inexplicit backstory references with much left to the imagination.
It's an important skill.

SzélsőFa said...

Bernita, I see what you mean - there must be an equilibrium between leaving to imagination, but not leaving too much.

WH said...

I agree that you should honor the reader's intelligence and work in backstory in a subtle way. A wonderful writing day to you as well!

SzélsőFa said...

Thank you , Billy!