Tuesday, April 1, 2008

experience all right

Without spoiling the plot of Halo, it is about a man who has a strange addiction.
Now the idea came into my head unexpectedly when I started writing it for the contest held by Jason, but now...
Things are taking an interesting turn.
Although I found that some traits of the main character resemble me, I kept a distance. The problem he's in is much more deeper than the one I face. His addiction is much more profound. This is what I used to tell myself.
I thought finding a virtual solution to Hail's problems would help me as well. Or at least, his solution might give me some information about the way out.
In fact my problems are not serious at all.
This is what I used to tell myself.
*coughs again*
What else can I say?
I think I got to finish it before it's too late.


Miladysa said...

Do we need to worry?


You have me wondering... is the addiction contagious... have I caught it...


Good luck with your writing :-D

SzélsőFa said...

Heee, Miladysa,
since it's about computers, it MIGHT be contagious :)))
Perhaps you already have it....

Unknown said...

Well, take your time wisely.

SzélsőFa said...


I'm trying my best :)

Bernita said...

Hmmm, are you flirting with possession?

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm addicted to eating. That's about it.

SzélsőFa said...

Bernita, I don't think I can give you more without spoiling the story of Halo. You don't have to worry very much, though: it's not some harmful substance or bad company.
I wrote Halo when Jason had his contest. The idea just struck me out of nowhere and I found it interesting.
But since I usually do not write just for the sake of writing, everything I write has some connection with my own life.


hee, that's one habit of everyone I'm afraid :)